Wer den richten Schraubendreher hat und etwas Zeit, kann nach dem Anschauen dieses Videos mühelos den Akku beim ASUS UX32 austauschen.
Akku auch passend in: UX32A Zenbook, Modell
UX32VD Zenbook, U38DT-1A, U38N-1A, UX32A-1A, UX32VD-1A, U38N
Zuverlässige und schnelle Notebook Reparatur Werkstatt
Remove the Case Cover (Step 2 in a 21 part articles seires on building your own computer) This is a very easy step. Basically, you are just taking the cover off your new case. If you have a Plain Jane case, take a screwdriver and remove the four or six screws located around the edge on the back of your case .