Akku Tausch beim Asus Ultrabook UX32V

Wer den richten Schraubendreher hat und etwas Zeit, kann nach dem Anschauen dieses Videos mühelos den Akku beim ASUS UX32 austauschen.
Akku auch passend in: UX32A Zenbook, Modell
UX32VD Zenbook, U38DT-1A, U38N-1A, UX32A-1A, UX32VD-1A, U38N

1 Gedanke zu „Akku Tausch beim Asus Ultrabook UX32V“

  1. Remove the Case Cover (Step 2 in a 21 part articles seires on building your own computer) This is a very easy step. Basically, you are just taking the cover off your new case. If you have a Plain Jane case, take a screwdriver and remove the four or six screws located around the edge on the back of your case .


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